George Morton-Clark (B.1982) is known for his energetic paintings of spontaneous strokes, intense colors, and nostalgic cartoon characters. The manner in which Morton-Clark adds oils and spray paint onto his quickly drawn characters is reminiscent of abstract expressionist brushstrokes, inviting viewers to naturally explore and enjoy his work.

George Morton-Clark graduated from the Surrey Institute of Art and Design, and has presented his work at globally leading galleries such as the Opera Gallery in London and Miami, Eternity Gallery in Paris and Miami, and JPS Gallery in Tokyo. The artist has also collaborated with brands such as De’Longhi and Penguin Books.

조지 몰튼-클락(B.1982)은 즉흥적 드로잉, 강렬한 컬러 그리고 향수를 불러일으키는 만화캐릭터, 이 세 가지의 조합을 통해 에너지 넘치는 작품으로 인기를 얻고 있는 작가이다. 빠르게 그린 만화캐릭터 드로잉 위에 오일, 스프레이를 이용해 더해지는 과감한 컬러는 추상표현주의 브러쉬스트록을 연상시키기도 한다. 만화캐릭터를 추상적인 형태로 재해석하는 작가는 정해진 방식없이 영화를 보고 노래를 감상하듯 자연스럽게 자신의 작품을 받아들이기를 제안하고 있다.

조지 몰튼-클락은 Surrey Institute of Art and Design을 졸업하고, 런던과 마이애미의 오페라 갤러리, 파리 이터니티 갤러리, 도쿄 JPS 갤러리 등 세계 유수의 갤러리에서 전시하며, 드롱기, 펭귄북스 등 유명 브랜드와 협업 프로젝트를 진행했다.

B.A. – Animation, Surrey Institute of Art and Design
Solo exhibitions
Solo Show, Opera Gallery, Singapore
Myths, Heroes & Mad Scientists,Solo Show, Koo Museum,, Seoul, Korea
Solo Show, Opera Gallery, Miami, USA
All Good and Make Believe, Eternity Gallery, Paris, France
This is as Far as I Started, Opera Gallery, London, UK
Some bodys no body, JPS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
enamel,, Seoul, Korea
Same Tomorrow as Yesterday, Gin Huang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
The Devil’s Cabinet, Imitate Modern Gallery, London, UK
Group exhibitions
Daegu Art Fair, G Gallery, Daegu, South Korea

Busan Art Fair, GGallery, Busan, South Korea
KIAF, GGallery, Seoul, South Korea

Galleries Art Fair, GGallery, Seoul, South Korea
Art021, GGallery, Shanghai, China

DNA Art Fair, Shenzhen, China
Art Wynwood, Eternity Gallery, Palm Beach, USA
Context Art Fair, Eternity Gallery, Miami, USA
Wynwood Art Fair, Eternity Gallery, Miami, USA
Palm Beach Art Fair, Eternity Gallery, Florida, USA
Art Busan,, Busan, South Korea
KIAF Art Fair,, Seoul, South Korea
ART021 Art Fair,, Shanghai, China
Group Show, Opera Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Heart & Soul Auction, Paddle 8, London, UK
Rankin ✕ WaterAid Project, London, UK
Art Tokyo, JPS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Group Show, JPS Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Group Show, Gin Huang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
KIAF Art Fair, GGallery, Seoul, South Korea
Context Art Fair, Eternity Gallery, Miami, USA
Texas Contemporary, Eternity Gallery, Texas, USA
Group Show, Mirus Gallery, Denver, USA
Art Elysees, Opera Gallery, Paris, France
Duo Show, Opera Gallery, Hong Kong, China
Art Hamptons, Eternity Gallery, The Bridgehampton Museum, USA
Choose Love, Help the refugees, Auction, Sommerset House, London, UK
Art New York, Eternity Gallery, New York, USA
Group show, Artual Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Miami Open, Eternity Gallery, Miami, USA
Art Wynwood, Opera Gallery, Miami, USA
Art Basel, Miami, USA
Urban Poetry, Group show, Opera Gallery, Dubai
Beirut Art Fair, Artual Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Unsanctioned: Voices Off The Wall, Group show, Opera Gallery, Singapore
Group show, Artual, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Africa
Moniker Art Fair, New York, USA
Group show, Artual gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Artual, Abidjan, Ivory Coast Africa
Arms Around The Child will Christies Auction House, London, UK
Discerning Eye, Mall Galleries, London, UK
Summer Exhibition, Maddox Gallery, London, UK
Beirut Design Week, Beirut, Lebanon
Spring, Vertes Modern, Zürich, Switzerland
Winter, Vertes Modern, Zürich, Switzerland
Kunst Art Fair, Vertes Modern, Zürich, Switzerland
Contemporary Painters , Vertes Modern, Zürich, Switzerland
Virtue of Fools, Galerie Flash, Munich, Germany
Stroke Art Fair, Galerie Flash, Munich, Germany
Art Guitars, Cuckoo Club Regent Street, London, UK
Seven Deadly Sins, Unit Gallery, London, UK
All You Need Is Art, Galerie Flash, Munich, Germany
UTOPIA, Unit Gallery, London, UK
The UNIT, London, UK
DADA’s Little Bitch, London, UK
London Portraits, Galerie Flash, Munich, Germany
International Music Summit, Ibiza, Spain
The Multiple Sclerosis Society 60 years Auction, Bristol, UK
1 Year, Galerie Flash, Munich, Germany
Brit Week, LA, USA
Art Mosh, Munich, Germany
Factory Project, Hospital Club, London, UK
Underdog Gallery, London Bridge, UK
Less Than Zero, Virgin Islands
See No Evil, Bristol, UK
Urban In Ibiza, Averto Hotel, Ibiza, Spain
Factory Project, Red Bull Studios, London, UK
Unknown, Whisper Gallery, London, UK
From L, Lille, France
Red Propeller, UK
Mad Artist Tea Party, Future Gallery, London, UK
Geshia, London v Brighton, Brighton, UK
Against Knives with Honda, Truman Brewery London, UK
Knots Rugs London/Chelsea, Collaboration
Penguin Essentials, The Reluctant Fundamentalist Book Cover
Macmillan De’Longhi Art Auction, Macmillan Cancer Center, De’Longhi
MARR ✕ George Morton-Clark Clothing Line with MARR London, Collaboration
Esquire Magazine, Issue166
Getting To Know Artist George Morton-Clark And His Dystopian Artwork, Forbes
Cover Magazine, Issue 48
George Morton Clark. The Devil's Cabinet, Wall Street International Magazine
Visual ARTBEAT Magazine, Issue 6
Rankin x WaterAid Project, London, UK